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Never underestimate the power and influence you have on others.

If you could be doing anything in the world right now, other than what you are doing what would it be?

Cee lo Green and his hit song “F U”  has got nothing on this pastor.

Check it out.

I just hate that he came up with this before I did, this would have been a great sermon for me to preach. lol

If I had the courage today….


I would allow more emotions to show

I would allow more people to see my art

I would sing a beautiful song to my wife

I would speak my mind more than I do


If you had more courage today,

what would you do?



Hope you laughed as much as I did!


Beauty is everywhere it shows up sometimes in the most unusual places.

Its there staring us right in the face, we are often times to busy to see it.

The Creator is a wild and crazy artist who loves to surprise us with his art.

We can only imitate what He has already created.

But we are created in His image; therefore we have the ability to create.

We are all artist, some of us are musicians, painters, sculptors, and inventors.

Many have not used this artistic side of them sense they were a kid.

Make no mistake about it being an artist is a part of whom we are, so create

something see how it makes you come alive.

If tomorrow was your last day here on earth,

What would you do?

What words of wisdom would you impart to love ones and friends?


“Anyone can become angry – that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way – this is not easy.” Aristotle

When was the last time that your anger brought about righteousness, reconciliation, and/or peace?

Here is what my days were like last week in paradise.

A lot of great scenery,

Chillin with my lady,

Some surfing,

And a lot of eating.

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